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Showing posts from 2017

Why You Should Grow Your Network

If it takes you too long to get things done in life then your network is poor                                                                                   Muyiwa Oludayo Muyiwa is the registrar of Covenant University, he emphasizes on the power of networking. This blog post features some young Nigerians in the entertainment industry that have leveraged on the power of networking to rise to stardom. Chris Rio Ever wondered why Chris Rio went far in the latest edition the voice Nigeria?  Here’s why. Chris is a Covenant University alumni, shout out to all eagles. Not that he was too spectacular **joking** I must admit he was. I still remember clearly in my early school days the boy wonder used to dazzle us back to back every variety, and dinner. Back to t...

Bridging The Gap

For those of us that are still students we know that there is  a gap between the classroom and the real word.

Share your awesome stories with the world

Do you have a dream of writing?  Are you interested in writing awesome stories for My Yesterday Stories Blog? Share your awesome stories and inspire someone today. Fulfill your dreams of writing today! Become an author for My Yesterday Stories Blogs. My Yesterday Stories Blogs shares beautiful stories from our yesterday and promotes creative writing. Get involved! Send your application with your beautiful stories to  Please share this post across your circle.

The Power of the Youth

I set out to get my voter’s card few weeks ago after much convincing. I finally got the voter’s card after two days of hustling. The hustle was real though. The Two Generations I was speaking about two generations at a Sustainable Development Goals Awareness Symposium we held sometime in June- The Hand- Over Generation and the Take- Over Generation. The Hand- Over Generation: They are the current generation in power. Who are the Take- Over Generation? You, and I- The Youth. We are the ones that will take over power and drive the change we want to see in our societies. Why Voter’s Card? According to population statistics, we make up about 60% of the population, if not more. The voter’s card is our key to the change we want to see. Imagine if every one of us has a voter’s card and we exercise our voting power rightly. That way we begin to dictate those that hold our political offices and put an end to bad leadership. We must begin to hold those elected to s...

Why you shouldn't resist change

What is Change?  **smiles** The word change is a very familiar word to our society, but I am not talking about that kind of change now. Change simply put by me is disrupting the normal. Thinking in an unconventional way or challenging old beliefs. However, our belief system is so strong that in order to play safe we choose to shy away from change. Resistance to change is universal, across every race, gender and so on. People find it hard to accept different ways of doing things. I started reading this book Developing the Leader within you by John Maxwell, and I've begun to see reasons why we should accept change. Here's a true story from the book: Resisting change can unwittingly affect  one’s health and life, as  the following account portrays. Hippocrates described scurvy in  ancient times. The disease seemed to especially plague armies in  the field and cities that were under siege for  long periods of time.  Later, following the discove...

I am a Youth and I stand for Peace

Youth for Peace by David Edet I have dreams, visions and ambitions. I am not the only youth with dreams and ambitions. We are all humans, and being humans we are different in every ramification and sphere, making the means by which we intend getting to our dreams and ambitions different even though our dreams of a better life, a better world  for ourselves, family and friends are alike. The absence of conflict is taken generally to mean peace, but conflicts has has been found to be a part of human existence. If peace is the absence of conflict then peace is death. So I present peace as compromise . As Youth we all crave for a better future and better world which could be seen as the end, and as its said "the end justifies the means" but you know of the various ends we have been having around us and in the world which points to the means that it  justifies.    As Youth lets come to a compromise of our means and have a large level playing ground on every sphe...

Meet Nigera's Youngest Football Coach

Meet this amazing young man chasing his dreams. He is Ohis popular known as ‘The gaffer’. Ohis, 21, is Nigeria’s youngest football coach. Yesterday we held a testimonial match for the international youth day to promote peace in our community. What surprised me was the young man[Ohis] I met, I later found out that he is a coach. I am as surprised as you are now. I decided to have our first ‘The Chat’ with him. Straight to The Chat now. Sivi: Good afternoon sir thanks for having this chat with us. My Yesterday's Stories- We write beautiful stories from our yesterday and also promote youth doing amazing things just to inspire other youth. Ohis: Good Afternoon Mr Sivi Wali and Happy Sunday to you Sivi: Thanks a lot. The Chat is a new initiative I just started for my yesterday stories to have young persons doing amazing things come share their story with the world. You're our first guest. Ohis: You're Welcome. That's a good thing keep the...

A Better Society for Princess

My experience with a young girl- Princess Just because I refused to follow the others see where it has landed me. Corruption is every where In tears those were the words of a young girl Princess I met yesterday. 

You can still believe in us...

I’ve discovered that there is more to me, I didn’t know that one day I would be doing an assignment with global significance -          Samuel Solomon, Student, GTC Port Harcourt.                                  Samuel Solomon, 18, is a student of Government Technical College, Port Harcourt. His life has taken a new turn as he is adding value to society. Samuel now campaigns for the Sustainable Development Goals, by carrying the SDGs sticker on his school bag wherever he goes. ‘Whenever I walk back home, in school as I do my job as the social prefect, I get questions, what is this you’re carry on your bag – and I get to answer them, having learnt so much about the goals at the Port Harcourt Sustainable Development Goals Awareness Symposium, ‘I’ve discovered that there is more to me, I didn’t know that one day I would be doing an assignment wi...

Give Us a Seat at The Table

We must glass take away ceiling effect attached to youth in Nigeria! We are not too young to lead! These were the words of the gentleman, Esivi Wali, a volunteer at Keeping It Real Foundation, at the Rivers National Youth Policy Dialogue. He joins Rivers youth as they cry out for increased opportunities to take part in nation building, economic and developmental issues, political affairs in Nigeria.

My Yesterday's Stories

This is our first post. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories, My Yesterday's Stories is a fun and interesting blog.